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Oculus Anubis Damascus Oregon

Deep in the woods near Damascus, Oregon, sits the Temple of Oculus Anubis. This sinister place is shrouded in mystery and has been rumored to be a cult gathering site (among a lot of other unsavory things). Many Oregonians have even gone so far as to call it the creepiest place in Oregon! Could this bizarre little shrine of sorts be haunted? Could it be a portal to another world? Could it be a joke? It’s certainly one of the weirdest places in Oregon, no matter its purpose.

Located at the end of a quiet street, Oculus Anubis is not your average Oregon residence. The property is home to an ominous black gate, a statue of the Egyptian God Sekhmet, and twin stone pyramids. The bizarre architecture has not gone unnoticed, and many people have deemed Oculus Anubis as the "creepiest place in Oregon."

While not much is actually known about what goes on behind the gate, there are plenty of crazy theories (as there tends to be with any mysterious place). Rumor has it that Oculus Anubis is a cult gathering site and that the property has $2 million worth of underground tunnels. Can this be confirmed No. Can it be speculated? Definitely.

I can understand why there are so many questions about this place. I drove around the block (it is a very large block) and all of the side streets that went in the direction of Oculus Anubis were all dead end. Why?? This is another reason to give people some

conspiracy theories.

So how did all of these conspiracy theories and mystery behind this place start? The 41-year-old Anthony Curtis Neal, daughter of widow Sharon Neal was prosecuted for health insurance fraud through the Neal family optometry business in Gresham, Oregon. Anthony embezzled around $2.5 million in a decades-long-con that was, allegedly, orchestrated by his late father, Dr. Dean Elton Neal. That money fueled what we have come to know as THE TEMPLE OF OCULUS ANUBIS, reportedly spending around $3 million to construct the still-unfinished compound which includes a 35,000-square-foot-house that is unfinished.

The statues, gates, a helipad, and a tennis court, too. Remember those tunnels everyone was so enamored with? Well, the tunnels were simply connecting the houses of the elder and younger Neal’s. But the tax fraud perpetrated by a medical professional, the exploitation of the trust of their patients, and subsequent embezzling of millions isn’t the worst of it.

The jig was up when Anthony fired a surgeon at their practice for not subscribing to their practice of fraudulently billing health insurance agencies for unnecessary tests. It was in April, at Anthony Neal’s sentencing, that we now have the most accurate, and chilling, peer behind those Anubis gates and into the secretive family therein. Anthony’s defense spurned the Neal family for his transgression, especially the late Dr. Dean Neal.

Anthony Neal’s defense lawyer claims that not only is Anthony mentally disabled, landing somewhere the autism spectrum, but when he was 13 years old, Anthony revealed that he had been raped by a family acquaintance to his father. Dr. Neal refused to report it for fear of tarnishing his image. Ironically, it would be his image that would receive the most degradation in this case. Contrary to the image they portrayed to their patients, Dr. Neal was a long-time victimizer and tyrant to his family. Dr. Neal seemed to be less of a rich-whacky-isolated millionaire in the vein of Howard Hughes and more of a bat-shit—perverse-despot like Caligula, lacking empathy for his loved ones to terrifying degrees as he is alleged to have not only abused his disabled son, but repeatedly bound and raped his wife, Sharon. The latter of which is evidenced by a restraining order Sharon had taken out against Dr. Neal in 1997. Dr. Neal died from a stroke in 2015 with no resolution to his domestic terrorism or financial crimes.

Anthony’s judge sentenced him with a year in federal prison and was unsurprisingly ordered to pay millions between insurance agencies and the IRS. Judge Jones finished by advising Anthony, “You are not dumb. You were certainly under the thumb of your father, but you knew right from wrong. So you have culpability." Though, the judge was not without surmising that Dr. Dean Neal was "about as evil a person you can imagine, especially involving his disabled son.”

Dr. Neal's reign of terror behind those clandestine gates may not have been preternatural, so to speak, or he may not have been in service of the New World Order, but for all the fanciful fears Oregonians attributed to the Oculus Anubis, they weren’t far off the mark when tuning to the darker side of their suspicions. To quote the podcast Sword and Scale, “Sometimes the worst monsters are real,” and there are no worse than an abusive father and husband left free to debase and desecrate his family, only to languish without retribution until his natural death.

Today Oculus Anubis still has a bunch of visitors and some of them try to trespass on to the property to try and prove some of the conspiracy theories. Because of this the police no longer come out here and answer 911 calls. This has prompted the owner of the property to take other measures.

They also have perimeter alarms that will flash with a red light and make the sounds of dogs. This alerts the dogs on the property where you good luck.

Because of the mystery surrounding Oculus Anubis there are also a lot of fake websites all over the internet. If you do a Goggle search you will see a website that is promoted as Oculus Anubis Wellness Center. This looks pretty real and they are asking for donations but it is fake. You can check out that website here:

Here are a bunch of other fake sites you will find on the internet and they are posted near the black entrance gate.

This place is definitely creepy, weird, obscure, and even bizarre. Because of this I can see why there would be so many conspiracy theories. No one really knows what goes on behind the closed black gate and combine this with the history of the property can lead to all sorts of speculations.

Please note that this creepy place is located on private property, so please admire it from afar or gain permission to explore from the landowners. What do you think is going on at this mysterious place in Oregon? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section.


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Nov 13, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Great story! Definitely a weird and creepy place!!

Dec 25, 2023
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Thank you and if you get a chance check it out.

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